- Luis
- August 29, 2022
- 2:29 pm
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Ulima presents a model of ethics, sustainability and social responsibility as part of the QUALENV project

A work team from the School of Business and Economics of the Universidad de Lima’s School of Management, made up of professors from the School, created an Ethics, Sustainability and Social Responsibility Model that is in line with the mission, vision, purpose and objectives of the School. The project was presented during the audit of Ulima’s environmental management system within the framework of the QualEnv project, organized by our University last June.
The Model was designed by professors Óscar Rodríguez, Mirko Asencios Bao and Daniel Moreno De Vettori; the latter two are coordinators of the Sustainability Program of the Management Career.
This model has a three-dimensional structure: the academic, which indicates that ethics, sustainability and social responsibility are central pillars of the academic development of a Management student, so that each subject of the curriculum includes these components as part of the learning objectives and curricular academic content; institutional, which indicates that this model is the source of alignment and contribution of value to the institution, so its activities are oriented to teacher training, the social entrepreneurship contest and the thematic lines of action developed in alignment with the Sustainability Center of the University of Lima; and society, a link between the career and society, which carries out events, from their study circles, aimed at the community, volunteer activities, social responsibility and employability.
Liliana Lazo, director of the Management Career, said about this initiative:
“The Management Career is aligned with the sustainability policy of Universidad de Lima, deploying it to its academic activities through the Ethics, Sustainability and Social Responsibility Model of the Career, which, through its three dimensions, incorporates management tools that improve the academic development of our students, adding value to our Institution and actively participating in our society.”
Framed in this model, the Matrix of Graduation of Ethics, Sustainability and Social Responsibility of the Career is developed, which allows graduating the development of the student’s knowledge with respect to these concepts, seeking that the professional in Administration of our University is not only able to lead, manage resources, design strategies and achieve organizational objectives, but to do so within a solid ethical approach, socially responsible and aligned with a vision of creating shared and sustainable value.