UFSC receives A3P seal for socio-environmental responsibility in public administration
The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) received recognition from the Environmental Agenda Program in Public Administration (A3P), A3P seal, for implementing the environmental agenda in public administration in 2020. The data for the achievement were compiled by Anna Cecília Petrassi , other members of the Environmental Management Coordination (CGA) and other sectors of the University.
Started in 1999, the A3P Program is an initiative of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and its objective is to promote the internalization of socio-environmental sustainability principles in public bodies and entities. It is recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).
Currently, A3P’s main challenge is to promote Social and Environmental Responsibility as a government policy, helping to integrate the economic growth agenda concurrently with sustainable development, through the insertion of socio-environmental sustainability principles and practices within the scope of public administration.
Among the objectives of A3P are:
- Sensitize (guide) public managers to socio-environmental issues;
- Promote the rational use (economy) of natural resources and the reduction of institutional expenses;
- Contribute to the review of production and consumption patterns and the adoption of new sustainability benchmarks within the scope of public administration;
- Reduce the direct and indirect negative socio-environmental impact caused by the execution of administrative and operational activities;
- Contribute to improving the quality of life;
- Disseminate good practices implemented by partners.
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