- Luis
- February 11, 2022
- 3:22 pm
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More than 80 volunteers from the Universidad del Norte participated in the XI Beach Cleanup in Punta Roca

Under a radiant sun, with a view of the restless sea, a team of students, graduates and external members of the Universidad del Norte carried out on Saturday, September 25, the XI Beach Cleanup, in Punta Roca, Salgar. An action with which a recognition of the problem of pollution is sought, as well as generating empathy with the environment. In the area, 80 participants collected plastic bottles, bags, flip flops, face masks, among other waste that is evidence of how daily actions affect biodiversity.
The activity, organized by the Department of Environmental Sustainability and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, was also joined by student groups, the Ecocampus program, in addition to the companies Isa Transelca and Triple A. For Carlos Clavijo, director of Environmental Sustainability at Uninorte , the experience was shocking because the collected waste comes from the Magdalena River, which flows into the sea, and a good part ends up deposited on the beach.
“I was very impressed by the bags of plastic flip flops that we took out. One realizes that a badly disposed flip flop adds to a bigger problem and every day it increases to the extent that we do not take action to avoid polluting our planet. It takes a lot of hands to join in being part of the solution,” said Clavijo, who highlighted that one of the challenges of the Sustainability Department is to create an environmental culture, which is built by being clear about the impact of each one of our actions and acting to minimize the negative consequences.
The high temperatures were not an obstacle for the volunteers to do their work responsibly, collecting and classifying the waste, making their way through the trunks under which they found the garbage accumulated. For Francisco Gómez, a graduate of the Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, it was gratifying to share his interest in protecting the environment with people of different professions and ages, united by a common goal.
“It is worth coming because one really becomes aware that it is necessary to consume responsibly in our homes so that the waste does not end up on the beaches,” said Francisco while admiring the blue sea in the background, as a reminder of the life that We are committed to protecting.
On her part, Angélica Barraza, a sixth-semester civil engineering student, took on the challenge of participating. She did not forget her hat, or wear comfortable clothes to endure the arduous day that began at 7 in the morning and ended at noon. She, along with several of her classmates, decided not to miss the opportunity to learn in the field and connect her knowledge with reality.
“The activity seemed extremely important to me and also fun. I feel that it is something that we all should do to realize the magnitude of the problem. I recommend everyone, whether or not they are from the university, to participate, live the experience and be part of the solution,” said the student.
Cleaning of Beaches, since 2016, has been led by Germán Rivillas, a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, for whom this is a complex problem that has to be addressed not only by the governments of the Caribbean region, but by the entire national order.
“It is a problem that requires holistic measures with a basin approach, since the Magdalena River runs through the entire country. Sensitization alone does not achieve forceful goals, it is not enough, measures are needed that must be raised from governance” Rivillas pointed out.