"Hands to the sea": university community joins new beach cleanup
A team made up of more than 150 volunteers joined the most recent institutional day of beach cleaning, called ‘Hands to the sea’, held on Saturday, May 20, in Punta Roca. This initiative seeks to raise awareness of the degree of contamination of the coasts and promote collective action for the collection and classification of hundreds of waste such as styrofoam, plastic bottles, flip-flops, hospital waste, among others.
The annual activity is organized by the Department of Environmental Sustainability, the Department of Civil Engineering and the Ecocampus program, together with volunteers from the companies Ultracem, Isa Transelca, Aire and Triple A SA ESP. The event took place from 8:00 am to 11:00 am and was led by engineer Carlos Clavijo, director of Environmental Sustainability at Uninorte.

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