- Luis
- August 22, 2022
- 2:07 pm
- No Comments
Visit of QUALENV Project coordinators to the University of Lima
In order to strengthen collaborations, identify opportunities for improvement and encourage the implementation of strategies that benefit the care of the environment and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, on June 13 and 14 the University of Lima received the visit of three members of the audit team of the QualEnv project (Change the Climate: Assuring the Quality of Environmental Strategies in Latin-American Higher Education), of which we are part since 2020 along with other universities in Latin America and Europe. The execution of QualEnv will end in 2022.
During the audit of Ulima’s Environmental Management System (EMS), we received on our campus the evaluators Catarina Roseta Palma, from the University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), and Ullika Lundgren and Eddi Omrcen, both from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden).
The guests held a series of meetings with various authorities, directors, researchers and professors of our University, in which consultations were made, points of view were exchanged and information was gathered on Ulima’s policies and actions related to environmental management. The auditors visited the buildings, laboratories and facilities of our campus.
About this audit process, Elsie Bonilla, Director of Planning and Accreditation Ulima, commented:
“The visiting team of auditors is conducting an audit. After interacting with them and answering their requests, a plan of opportunities will be proposed that will encourage the University of Lima to carry out improvement projects linked to the promotion of sustainability and the strengthening of the Environmental Management System, which is included as an important component within our strategic plan.”
Bonilla remarked:
“The University of Lima, as part of its sustainability policy, is always in search of good practices that help us improve as an institution and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. For this reason, our university joined the QualEnv project, which seeks to strengthen education in sustainability and implement and improve the environmental management system, whose innovations and knowledge can be shared by other institutions in the region, in order to improve the quality of life in Latin America”.
Alfredo Estrada, director of the Sustainability Center, the unit that coordinates the international project together with the Planning and Accreditation Office, highlighted the integrated work developed by the university community to have an impact -through academic training, research, strategic alliances and the development of initiatives with an impact on the community- on the three pillars of the sustainability agenda on which Ulima is working: fight against poverty, care for the planet and respect for diversity, with a view to positioning ourselves as an institution that builds a better world, adding value to social, environmental and corporate responsibility.
For more information, please refer to the following link: https://www.ulima.edu.pe/ulima/noticias/auditoria-al-sistema-de-gestion-ambiental-de-la-ulima-en-el-marco-del-proyecto?fbclid=IwAR3y2FWFHYbabS5liL8W42JA21y39iFm-JoaIacDvZ-Yf6AroJHPmae78-4